Dataspec API

Creating Specs

dataspec.s(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

dataspec.s is a singleton of dataspec.SpecAPI which can be imported and used directly as a generic dataspec.Spec constructor.

For more information, see dataspec.SpecAPI.__call__().

class dataspec.SpecAPI
__call__(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Create a new Spec instance from a dataspec.base.SpecPredicate.

Specs may be created from a variety of functions. Functions which take a single argument and return a boolean value can produce simple Specs. For more detailed error messages, callers can provide a function which takes a single argument and yields consecutive ErrorDetails (in particular, the return annotation should be exactly Iterator[ErrorDetails] ).

Specs may be created from Python types, in which case a Spec will be produced that performs an isinstance() check. None may be provided as a shortcut for type(None). To specify a nilable value, you should use dataspec.SpecAPI.nilable() instead.

Specs may be created for enumerated types using a Python set or frozenset or using Python enum.Enum types. Specs created for enumerated types based on enum.Enum values validate the Enum name, value, or Enum singleton and conform the input value to the corresponding enum.Enum value.

Specs may be created for homogeneous collections using a Python list type. Callers can specify a few additional parameters for collection specs by providing an optional dictionary of values in the second position of the input list. To validate the input collection type, provide the "kind" key with a collection type. To specify the output type used by the default conformer, provide the "into" keyword with a collection type.

Specs may be created for mapping types using a Python dict type. The input dict maps key values (most often strings) to Specs (or values which can be coerced to Specs by this function). Mapping Specs validate that an input map contains the required keys and that the value associated with the key matches the given Spec. Mapping specs can be specified with optional keys by wrapping the optional key with s.opt. If that key is present in the input value, it will be validated against the given Spec. However, if the input value does not contain the optional key, the map is still considered valid. Mapping Specs do not assert that input values contain only the keys given in the Spec – this is by design.

Specs may be created for heterogeneous collections using a Python tuple type. Tuple Specs will conform into collections.NamedTuple s, with each element in the input tuple being validated and conformed to the corresponding element in the Spec.

Specs may be be created from existing Specs. If an existing datspec.Spec instance is given, that Spec will be returned without modification. If a tag is given, a new Spec will be created from the existing Spec with the new tag. If a conformer is given, a new Spec will be created from the existing Spec with the new conformer (replacing any conformer on the existing Spec, rather than composing). If both a new tag and conformer are given, a new Spec will be returned with both the new tag and conformer.

  • tag_or_pred

    an optional tag for the resulting spec or a Spec or value which can be converted into a Spec; if no tag is provided, the default depends on the input type:

    • for frozenset and set predicates, the default is "set"
    • for Enum predicates, the default is the name of the enum
    • for tuple predicates, the default is "tuple"
    • for list (collection) predicates, the default is "coll"
    • for dict (mapping) predicates, the default is "map"
    • for type predicates, the default is the name of the type
    • for callable predicates, the default is the name of the function
  • preds – if a tag is given, exactly one spec predicate; if no tag is given, this should not be specified
  • conformer – an optional dataspec.Conformer for the value

a dataspec.base.Spec instance

static all(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec which validates input values against all of the input Specs or spec predicates.

For each Spec for which the input value is successfully validated, the value is successively passed to the Spec’s dataspec.Spec.conform_valid() method.

The returned Spec’s dataspec.Spec.validate() method will emit a stream of dataspec.ErrorDetails` from the first failing constituent Spec. dataspec.ErrorDetails emitted from Specs after a failing Spec will not be emitted, because the failing Spec’s dataspec.Spec.conform`() would not successfully conform the value.

The returned Spec’s dataspec.Spec.conform() method is the composition of all of the input Spec’s conform methods.

If no Specs or Spec predicates are given, a ValueError will be raised. If only one Spec or Spec predicate is provided, it will be passed to dataspec.s() with the given tag and conformer and the value returned without merging.

This method is not suitable for producing a union of mapping Specs. To merge mapping Specs, use dataspec.SpecAPI.merge() instead.

  • tag_or_pred – an optional tag for the resulting spec or the first Spec or value which can be converted into a Spec; if no tag is provided, the default is "all"
  • preds – zero or more Specs or values which can be converted into a Spec
  • conformer – an optional conformer which will be applied to the final conformed value produced by the input Specs conformers

a Spec

static any(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, tag_conformed: bool = False, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec which validates input values against any one of an arbitrary number of input Specs.

The returned Spec validates input values against the input Specs in the order they are passed into this function.

If the returned Spec fails to validate the input value, the dataspec.Spec.validate() method will emit a stream of dataspec.ErrorDetails from all of failing constituent Specs. If any of the constituent Specs successfully validates the input value, then no dataspec.ErrorDetails will be emitted by the dataspec.Spec.validate() method.

The conformer for the returned Spec will select the conformer for the first constituent Spec which successfully validates the input value. If a conformer is specified for this Spec, that conformer will be applied after the successful Spec’s conformer. If tag_conformed is specified, the final conformed value from both conformers will be wrapped in a tuple, where the first element is the tag of the successful Spec and the second element is the final conformed value. If tag_conformed is not specified (which is the default), the conformer will emit the conformed value directly.

If no Specs or Spec predicates are given, a ValueError will be raised. If only one Spec or Spec predicate is provided, it will be passed to dataspec.s() with the given tag and conformer and the value returned without merging.

  • tag_or_pred – an optional tag for the resulting spec or the first Spec or value which can be converted into a Spec; if no tag is provided, the default is "any"
  • preds – zero or more Specs or values which can be converted into a Spec
  • tag_conformed – if True, the conformed value will be wrapped in a 2-tuple where the first element is the successful spec and the second element is the conformed value; if False, return only the conformed value
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec

static blankable(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None)

Return a Spec which will validate values either by the input Spec or allow the empty string.

The returned Spec is roughly equivalent to s.any(spec, {""}).

If no Specs or Spec predicates is given, a ValueError will be raised.

  • tag_or_pred – an optional tag for the resulting Spec or a Spec or value which can be converted into a Spec; if no tag is provided, the default is "blankable"
  • preds – if a tag is provided for tag_or_pred, exactly Spec predicate as described in tag_or_pred; otherwise, nothing
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates either according to pred or the empty string

static bool(tag: str = 'bool', allowed_values: Optional[Set[bool]] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec which will validate boolean values.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "bool"
  • allowed_values – if specified, a set of allowed boolean values
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates boolean values

static bytes(tag: str = 'bytes', type_: Tuple[Union[Type[bytes], Type[bytearray]], ...] = (<class 'bytes'>, <class 'bytearray'>), length: Optional[int] = None, minlength: Optional[int] = None, maxlength: Optional[int] = None, regex: Union[Pattern[AnyStr], bytes, None] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a spec that can validate bytes and bytearrays against common rules.

If type_ is specified, the resulting Spec will only validate the byte type or types named by type_, otherwise byte and bytearray will be used.

If length is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input bytes measure exactly length bytes by by len(). If minlength is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input bytes measure at least minlength bytes by by len(). If maxlength is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input bytes measure not more than maxlength bytes by by len(). Only one of length, minlength, or maxlength can be specified. If more than one is specified a ValueError will be raised. If any length value is specified less than 0 a ValueError will be raised. If any length value is not an int a TypeError will be raised.

If regex is specified and is a bytes, a Regex pattern will be created by re.compile(). If regex is specified and is a typing.Pattern, the supplied pattern will be used. In both cases, the re.fullmatch() will be used to validate input strings.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "bytes"
  • type – a single type or tuple of type s which will be used to type check input values by the resulting Spec
  • length – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that bytes are exactly length bytes long by len()
  • minlength – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that bytes are not fewer than minlength bytes long by len()
  • maxlength – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that bytes are not longer than maxlength bytes long by len()
  • regex – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that strings match the regex pattern using re.fullmatch()
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates bytes and bytearrays

static date(tag: str = 'date', format_: Optional[str] = None, before: Optional[] = None, after: Optional[] = None, is_aware: Optional[bool] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec which validates types with common rules.

If format_ is specified, the resulting Spec will accept string values and attempt to coerce them to instances first before applying the other specified validations. If the datetime.datetime object parsed from the format_ string contains a portion not available in , then the validator will emit an error at runtime.

If before is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input values are before before by Python’s < operator. If after is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input values are after after by Python’s > operator. If before and after are specified and after is before before, a ValueError will be raised.

If is_aware is specified, a TypeError will be raised as values cannot be aware or naive.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "date"
  • format – if specified, a time format string which will be fed to to convert the input string to a before applying the other validations
  • before – if specified, the input value must come before this date or time
  • after – if specified, the input value must come after this date or time
  • is_aware – if True , validate that input objects are timezone aware; if False , validate that input objects are naive; if None, do not consider whether the input value is naive or aware
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value; if the format_ parameter is supplied, the conformer will be passed a value, rather than a string

a Spec which validates types

static default(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, default: Any = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec which will validate every value, but which will conform values not meeting the Spec to a default value.

The returned Spec is equivalent to the following Spec:

s.any(spec, s.every(conformer=lambda _: default))

This Spec will allow any value to pass, but will conform to the given default if the data does not satisfy the input Spec.

If no Specs or Spec predicates is given, a ValueError will be raised.

  • tag_or_pred – an optional tag for the resulting Spec or a Spec or value which can be converted into a Spec; if no tag is provided, the default is "default"
  • preds – if a tag is provided for tag_or_pred, exactly Spec predicate as described in tag_or_pred; otherwise, nothing
  • default – the default value to apply if the Spec does not validate a value
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates every value, but which conforms values to a default

static dict_tag(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a mapping Spec for which the Tags for each of the dict values is set to the corresponding key.

This is a convenience factory for the common pattern of creating a mapping Spec with all of the key Specs’ Tags bearing the same name as the corresponding key. The value Specs are created as by dataspec.s, so existing Specs will not be modified; instead new Specs will be created by dataspec.Spec.with_tag().

For more precise tagging of mapping Spec values, use the default s constructor with a dict value.

  • tag_or_pred – an optional tag for the resulting spec or the first Spec or value which can be converted into a Spec; if no tag is provided, default is "map"
  • preds – if a tag is given, exactly one mapping spec predicate; if no tag is given, this should not be specified
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a mapping Spec

static email(tag: str = 'email', conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None, **kwargs) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a spec that can validate strings containing email addresses.

Email string specs always verify that input values are strings and that they can be successfully parsed by email.headerregistry.Address().

Other restrictions can be applied by passing any one of three different keyword arguments for any of the fields of email.headerregistry.Address. For example, to specify restrictions on the username field, you could use the following keywords:

  • domain accepts any value (including None) and checks for an exact match of the keyword argument value
  • domain_in takes a set or frozenset and validates that the domain` field is an exact match with one of the elements of the set
  • domain_regex takes a str, creates a Regex pattern from that string, and validates that domain is a match (by re.fullmatch()) with the given pattern

The value None can be used for comparison in all cases, though the value None is never tolerated as a valid username or domain of an email address.

At most only one restriction can be applied to any given field for the email.headerregistry.Address. Specifying more than one restriction for a field will produce a ValueError.

Providing a keyword argument for a non-existent field of email.headerregistry.Address will produce a ValueError.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "email"
  • username – if specified, require an exact match for username
  • username_in – if specified, require username to match at least one value in the set
  • username_regex – if specified, require username to match the regex pattern
  • domain – if specified, require an exact match for domain
  • domain_in – if specified, require domain to match at least one value in the set
  • domain_regex – if specified, require domain to match the regex pattern
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which can validate that a string contains an email address

static every(tag: str = 'every', conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec which validates every possible value.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "every"
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates any value

static explain(spec: dataspec.base.Spec, v) → Optional[dataspec.base.ValidationError]

Return a ValidationError instance containing all of the errors validating v, if there were any; return None otherwise.

static fdef(argpreds: Tuple[Union[Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], ...] = (), kwargpreds: Optional[Mapping[str, Union[Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec]]] = None, retpred: Union[Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec, None] = None)

Wrap a function f and validate its arguments, keyword arguments, and return value with Specs, if any are given.

static inst(tag: str = 'datetime', format_: Optional[str] = None, before: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, is_aware: Optional[bool] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec which validates datetime.datetime types with common rules.

If format_ is specified, the resulting Spec will accept string values and attempt to coerce them to datetime.datetime instances first before applying the other specified validations.

If before is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input values are before before by Python’s < operator. If after is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input values are after after by Python’s > operator. If before and after are specified and after is before before, a ValueError will be raised.

If is_aware is True , the resulting Spec will validate that input values are timezone aware. If is_aware is False , the resulting Spec will validate that inpute values are naive. If unspecified, the resulting Spec will not consider whether the input value is naive or aware.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "datetime"
  • format – if specified, a time format string which will be fed to datetime.datetime.strptime() to convert the input string to a datetime.datetime before applying the other validations
  • before – if specified, the input value must come before this date or time
  • after – if specified, the input value must come after this date or time
  • is_aware – if True , validate that input objects are timezone aware; if False , validate that input objects are naive; if None, do not consider whether the input value is naive or aware
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value; if the format_ parameter is supplied, the conformer will be passed a datetime.datetime value, rather than a string

a Spec which validates datetime.datetime types

static inst_str(tag: str = 'datetime_str', iso_only: bool = False, before: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, after: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, is_aware: Optional[bool] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec that validates strings containing date/time strings in most common formats.

The resulting Spec will validate that the input value is a string which contains a date/time using dateutil.parser.parse(). If the input value can be determined to contain a valid datetime.datetime instance, it will be validated against a datetime Spec as by a standard dataspec datetime Spec using the keyword options below.

dateutil.parser.parse() cannot produce datetime.time or instances directly, so this method will only produce datetime.datetime() instances even if the input string contains only a valid time or date, but not both.

If iso_only keyword argument is True, restrict the set of allowed input values to strings which contain ISO 8601 formatted strings. This is accomplished using dateutil.parser.isoparse(), which does not guarantee strict adherence to the ISO 8601 standard, but accepts a wider range of valid ISO 8601 strings than Python 3.7+’s datetime.datetime.fromisoformat() function.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "datetime_str"
  • iso_only – if True, restrict the set of allowed date strings to those formatted as ISO 8601 datetime strings; default is False
  • before – if specified, a datetime that specifies the latest instant this Spec will validate
  • after – if specified, a datetime that specifies the earliest instant this Spec will validate
  • is_aware (bool) – if specified, indicate whether the Spec will validate either aware or naive datetime.datetime instances.
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value; if one is not provided dateutil.parser.parse() will be used

a Spec which validates strings containing date/time strings

static kv(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, conform_keys: bool = False, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec that validates mapping types against a single Spec for all keys and a single Spec for all values.

If conform_keys is specified as True, the default conformer will conform keys and values. By default, conform_keys is False to avoid duplicate names produced during the conformation.

The returned Spec’s dataspec.Spec.conform() method will return a dict with values conformed by the corresponding input Spec. If a conformer is provided via keyword argument, that conformer will be provided a dict with the conformed dict as described above. Otherwise, the default conformer will simply return the conformed dict . Note that the default conformer does not modify the input mapping in place.

Exactly two Specs must be provided or a ValueError will be raised during construction.

  • tag_or_pred – an optional tag for the resulting spec or the key Spec or value which can be converted into a Spec
  • preds – if a tag is given, preds should be exactly two Specs or values which can be converted into Specs; the first shall be the Spec for the keys and the second shall be the Spec for values
  • conform_keys – if True, the default conformer will also conform keys according to the input key Spec; default is False
  • conformer – an optional conformer which will be composed with the default conformer

a Spec

static merge(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Merge two or more mapping Specs into a single new Spec.

The returned Spec validates input values against a mapping Spec which is created from the union of input mapping Specs. Mapping Specs will be merged in the order they are provided. Individual key Specs whose keys appear more than one input Spec will be merged as via dataspec.SpecAPI.all() in the order they are passed into this function.

If no Specs or Spec predicates are given, a ValueError will be raised. If only one Spec or Spec predicate is provided, it will be passed to dataspec.s() with the given tag and conformer and the value returned without merging. If any Specs or Spec predicates are provided which are not mapping Specs or which cannot be coerced to mapping Specs, a TypeError will be raised.

The returned Spec’s dataspec.Spec.conform() method is a standard mapping Spec default conformer. Keys not defined in the union of key sets will be dropped during conformation. Values with more than one Spec defined in the input Specs will be conformed as by dataspec.SpecAPI.all() applied to all of their input Specs in the order they were provided. Values with exactly one Spec will use that Spec as given.

  • tag_or_pred – an optional tag for the resulting spec or the first Spec or value which can be converted into a Spec; if no tag is provided, the default is computed as "merge-of-spec1-and-spec2-..."
  • preds – zero or more mapping Specs or values which can be converted into a mapping Spec
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a single mapping Spec which is the union of all input Specs

static nilable(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec which will validate values either by the input Spec or allow the value None.

The returned Spec is roughly equivalent to s.any(spec, {None}).

If no Specs or Spec predicates is given, a ValueError will be raised.

  • tag_or_pred – an optional tag for the resulting Spec or a Spec or value which can be converted into a Spec; if no tag is provided, the default is "nilable"
  • preds – if a tag is provided for tag_or_pred, exactly one Spec predicate as described in tag_or_pred; otherwise, nothing
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates either according to pred or the value None

static num(tag: str = 'num', type_: Union[Type[CT_co], Tuple[Type[CT_co], ...]] = (<class 'float'>, <class 'int'>), min_: Union[complex, float, int, None] = None, max_: Union[complex, float, int, None] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec that can validate numeric values against common rules.

If type_ is specified, the resulting Spec will only validate the numeric type or types named by type_, otherwise float and int will be used.

If min_ is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input values are at least min_ using Python’s < operator. If max_ is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input values are not more than max_ using Python’s < operator. If min_ and max_ are specified and max_ is less than min_, a ValueError will be raised.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "num"
  • type – a single type or tuple of type s which will be used to type check input values by the resulting Spec
  • min – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that numeric values are not less than min_ (as by <)
  • max – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that numeric values are not less than max_ (as by >)
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates numeric values

static obj(tag_or_pred: Union[str, Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], *preds, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec for an arbitrary object.

Object Specs are defined as a mapping Spec with only string keys. The resulting Spec will validate arbitrary objects by calling getattr() on the input value with the mapping key names to validate the value contained on that attribute.

Object Specs support optional keys via dataspec.SpecAPI.opt(). The value must be a string.

Object Specs do not perform any type checks. Type checks can be defined separately by calling dataspec.s() with a type.

If no Specs or Spec predicates is given, a ValueError will be raised.

  • tag_or_pred – an optional tag for the resulting Spec or a mapping Spec predicate with string keys (potentially wrapped by dataspec.SpecAPI.opt()) and Spec predicates for values; if no tag is provided, the default is "object"
  • preds – if a tag is provided for tag_or_pred, exactly one mapping Spec predicate as described in tag_or_pred; otherwise, nothing
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates generic objects by their attributes

static opt(k: T) → dataspec.base.OptionalKey[~T][T]

Return k wrapped in a marker object indicating that the key is optional in associative specs.

static phone(tag: str = 'phonenumber_str', region: Optional[str] = None, is_possible: bool = True, is_valid: bool = True, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec that validates strings containing telephone number in most common formats.

The resulting Spec will validate that the input value is a string which contains a telephone number using phonenumbers.parse(). If the input value can be determined to contain a valid telephone number, it will be validated against a Spec which validates properties specified by the keyword arguments of this function.

If region is supplied, the region will be used as a hint for phonenumbers.parse() and the region of the parsed telephone number will be verified. Telephone numbers can be specified with their region as a “+” prefix, which takes precedence over the region hint. The Spec will reject parsed telephone numbers whose region differs from the specified region in all cases.

If is_possible is True, the parsed telephone number will be validated as a possible telephone number for the parsed region (which may be different from the specified region).

If is_valid is True, the parsed telephone number will be validated as a valid telephone number (as by phonenumbers.is_valid_number()).

By default, the Spec supplies a conformer which conforms telephone numbers to the international E.164 format, which is globally unique.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "phonenumber_str"
  • region – an optional two-letter country code which, if provided, will be checked against the parsed telephone number’s region
  • is_possible – if True and the input number can be successfully parsed, validate that the number is a possible number (it has the right number of digits)
  • is_valid – if True and the input number can be successfully parsed, validate that the number is a valid number (it is an an assigned exchange)
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value; the conformer will be passed a phonenumbers.PhoneNumber object, rather than a string

a Spec which validates strings containing telephone numbers

static str(tag: str = 'str', length: Optional[int] = None, minlength: Optional[int] = None, maxlength: Optional[int] = None, regex: Union[Pattern[AnyStr], str, None] = None, format_: Optional[str] = None, conform_format: Optional[str] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec that can validate strings against common rules.

String Specs always validate that the input value is a str type.

If length is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input strings measure exactly length characters by by len(). If minlength is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input strings measure at least minlength characters by by len(). If maxlength is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input strings measure not more than maxlength characters by by len(). Only one of length, minlength, or maxlength can be specified. If more than one is specified a ValueError will be raised. If any length value is specified less than 0 a ValueError will be raised. If any length value is not an int a TypeError will be raised.

If regex is specified and is a str, a Regex pattern will be created by re.compile(). If regex is specified and is a typing.Pattern, the supplied pattern will be used. In both cases, the re.fullmatch() will be used to validate input strings. If format_ is specified, the input string will be validated using the Spec registered to validate for the string name of the format. If conform_format is specified, the input string will be validated using the Spec registered to validate for the string name of the format and the default conformer registered with the format Spec will be set as the conformer for the resulting Spec. Only one of regex, format_, and conform_format may be specified when creating a string Spec; if more than one is specified, a ValueError will be raised.

String format Specs may be registered using the function dataspec.register_str_format_spec`(). Alternatively, a string format validator function may be registered using the decorator dataspec.register_str_format`(). String formats may include a default conformer which will be applied for conform_format usages of the format.

Several useful defaults are supplied as part of this library:

  • iso-date validates that a string contains a valid ISO 8601 date string
  • iso-datetime (Python 3.7+) validates that a string contains a valid ISO 8601 date and time stamp
  • iso-time (Python 3.7+) validates that a string contains a valid ISO 8601 time string
  • uuid validates that a string contains a valid UUID
  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "str"
  • length – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that strings are exactly length characters long by len()
  • minlength – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that strings are not fewer than minlength characters long by len()
  • maxlength – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that strings are not longer than maxlength characters long by len()
  • regex – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that strings match the regex pattern using re.fullmatch()
  • format – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that strings match the registered string format format
  • conform_format – if specified, the resulting Spec will validate that strings match the registered string format conform_format; the resulting Spec will automatically use the default conformer supplied with the string format
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates strings

static time(tag: str = 'time', format_: Optional[str] = None, before: Optional[datetime.time] = None, after: Optional[datetime.time] = None, is_aware: Optional[bool] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec which validates datetime.time types with common rules.

If format_ is specified, the resulting Spec will accept string values and attempt to coerce them to datetime.time instances first before applying the other specified validations. If the datetime.datetime object parsed from the format_ string contains a portion not available in datetime.time , then the validator will emit an error at runtime.

If before is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input values are before before by Python’s < operator. If after is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input values are after after by Python’s > operator. If before and after are specified and after is before before, a ValueError will be raised.

If is_aware is True , the resulting Spec will validate that input values are timezone aware. If is_aware is False , the resulting Spec will validate that inpute values are naive. If unspecified, the resulting Spec will not consider whether the input value is naive or aware.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "time"
  • format – if specified, a time format string which will be fed to datetime.time.strptime() to convert the input string to a datetime.time before applying the other validations
  • before – if specified, the input value must come before this date or time
  • after – if specified, the input value must come after this date or time
  • is_aware – if True , validate that input objects are timezone aware; if False , validate that input objects are naive; if None, do not consider whether the input value is naive or aware
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value; if the format_ parameter is supplied, the conformer will be passed a datetime.time value, rather than a string

a Spec which validates datetime.time types

static url(tag: str = 'url_str', query: Union[Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec, None] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None, **kwargs) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a spec that can validate URLs against common rules.

URL string specs always verify that input values are strings and that they can be successfully parsed by urllib.parse.urlparse().

URL specs can specify a new or existing Spec or spec predicate value to validate the query string value produced by calling urllib.parse.parse_qs() on the urllib.parse.ParseResult.query attribute of the parsed URL result.

Other restrictions can be applied by passing any one of three different keyword arguments for any of the fields (excluding urllib.parse.ParseResult.query) of urllib.parse.ParseResult. For example, to specify restrictions on the hostname field, you could use the following keywords:

  • hostname accepts any value (including None) and checks for an exact match of the keyword argument value
  • hostname_in takes a :py:class:set or :py:class:frozenset and validates that the hostname` field is an exact match with one of the elements of the set
  • hostname_regex takes a :py:class:str, creates a Regex pattern from that string, and validates that hostname is a match (by re.fullmatch()) with the given pattern

The value None can be used for comparison in all cases. Note that default the values for fields of urllib.parse.ParseResult vary by field, so using None may produce unexpected results.

At most only one restriction can be applied to any given field for the urllib.parse.ParseResult. Specifying more than one restriction for a field will produce a ValueError.

At least one restriction must be specified to create a URL string Spec. Attempting to create a URL Spec without specifying a restriction will produce a ValueError.

Providing a keyword argument for a non-existent field of urllib.parse.ParseResult will produce a ValueError.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "url_str"
  • query – an optional spec for the dict created by calling urllib.parse.parse_qs() on the urllib.parse.ParseResult.query attribute of the parsed URL
  • scheme – if specified, require an exact match for scheme
  • scheme_in – if specified, require scheme to match at least one value in the set
  • schema_regex – if specified, require scheme to match the regex pattern
  • netloc – if specified, require an exact match for netloc
  • netloc_in – if specified, require netloc to match at least one value in the set
  • netloc_regex – if specified, require netloc to match the regex pattern
  • path – if specified, require an exact match for path
  • path_in – if specified, require path to match at least one value in the set
  • path_regex – if specified, require path to match the regex pattern
  • params – if specified, require an exact match for params
  • params_in – if specified, require params to match at least one value in the set
  • params_regex – if specified, require params to match the regex pattern
  • fragment – if specified, require an exact match for fragment
  • fragment_in – if specified, require fragment to match at least one value in the set
  • fragment_regex – if specified, require fragment to match the regex pattern
  • username – if specified, require an exact match for username
  • username_in – if specified, require username to match at least one value in the set
  • username_regex – if specified, require username to match the regex pattern
  • password – if specified, require an exact match for password
  • password_in – if specified, require password to match at least one value in the set
  • password_regex – if specified, require password to match the regex pattern
  • hostname – if specified, require an exact match for hostname
  • hostname_in – if specified, require hostname to match at least one value in the set
  • hostname_regex – if specified, require hostname to match the regex pattern
  • port – if specified, require an exact match for port
  • port_in – if specified, require port to match at least one value in the set
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which can validate that a string contains a URL

static uuid(tag: str = 'uuid', versions: Optional[Set[int]] = None, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a Spec that can validate UUIDs against common rules.

UUID Specs always validate that the input value is a uuid.UUID type.

If versions is specified, the resulting Spec will validate that input UUIDs are the RFC 4122 variant and that they are one of the specified integer versions of RFC 4122 variant UUIDs. If versions specifies an invalid RFC 4122 variant UUID version, a ValueError will be raised.

  • tag – an optional tag for the resulting spec; default is "uuid"
  • versions – an optional set of integers of 1, 3, 4, and 5 which the input uuid.UUID must match; otherwise, any version will pass the Spec
  • conformer – an optional conformer for the value

a Spec which validates UUIDs


class dataspec.Spec

The abstract base class of all Specs.

All Specs returned by dataspec.s conform to this interface.

compose_conformer(conformer: Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a new Spec instance with a new conformer which is the composition of the conformer and the current conformer for this Spec instance.

If the current Spec instance has a custom conformer, this is equivalent to calling spec.with_conformer(lambda v: conformer(spec.conformer(v))). If the current Spec instance has no custom conformer, this is equivalent to calling dataspec.Spec.with_conformer() with conformer.

To completely replace the conformer for this Spec instance, use dataspec.Spec.with_conformer().

This method does not modify the current Spec instance.

Parameters:conformer – a conformer to compose with the conformer of the current Spec instance
Returns:a copy of the current Spec instance with the new composed conformer
conform(v: Any)

Conform v to the Spec, returning the possibly conformed value or an instance of dataspec.Invalid if the value is invalid cannot be conformed.

Exceptions arising from calling dataspec.Spec.conformer with v will be raised from this method.

Parameters:v – a value to conform
Returns:a conformed value or a dataspec.Invalid instance if the input value could not be conformed
conform_valid(v: Any)

Conform v to the Spec without checking if v is valid first and return the possibly conformed value or INVALID if the value cannot be conformed.

This function should be used only if v has already been check for validity.

Exceptions arising from calling dataspec.Spec.conformer with v will be raised from this method.

Parameters:v – a validated value to conform
Returns:a conformed value or a dataspec.Invalid instance if the input value could not be conformed

Return the custom conformer attached to this Spec, if one is defined.

is_valid(v: Any) → bool

Returns True if v is valid according to the Spec, otherwise returns False.

Parameters:v – a value to validate
Returns:True if the value is valid according to the Spec, otherwise False

Return the tag used to identify this Spec.

Tags are useful for debugging and in validation messages.

validate(v: Any) → Iterator[dataspec.base.ErrorDetails]

Validate the value v against the Spec, yielding successive Spec failures as dataspec.ErrorDetails instances, if any.

By definition, if next(spec.validate(v)) raises StopIteration, the first time it is called, the value is considered valid according to the Spec.

Parameters:v – a value to validate
Returns:an iterator of Spec failures as dataspec.ErrorDetails instances, if any
validate_all(v: Any) → List[dataspec.base.ErrorDetails]

Validate the value v against the Spec, returning a list of all Spec failures of v as dataspec.ErrorDetails instances.

This method is equivalent to list(spec.validate(v)). If an empty list is returned v is valid according to the Spec.

Parameters:v – a value to validate
Returns:a list of Spec failures as dataspec.ErrorDetails instances, if any
validate_ex(v: Any) → None

Validate the value v against the Spec, throwing a dataspec.ValidationError containing a list of all of the Spec failures for v , if any. Returns None otherwise.

Parameters:v – a value to validate
with_conformer(conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]]) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a new Spec instance with the new conformer, replacing any custom conformers.

If conformer is None , the returned Spec will have no custom conformer.

To return a copy of the current Spec with a composition of the current Spec instance, use dataspec.Spec.compose_conformer().

Parameters:conformer – a conformer to replace the conformer of the current Spec instance or None to remove the conformer associated with this
Returns:a copy of the current Spec instance with new conformer
with_tag(tag: str) → dataspec.base.Spec

Return a new Spec instance with the new tag applied.

This method does not modify the current Spec instance.

Parameters:tag – a new tag to use for the new Spec
Returns:a copy of the current Spec instance with the new tag applied

SpecPredicates are values that can be coerced into Specs by dataspec.s().


Tags are string names given to dataspec.Spec instances which are emitted in dataspec.ErrorDetails instances to indicate which Spec or Specs were evaluated to produce the error.


Conformers are functions of one argument which return either a conformed value or an instance of dataspec.Invalid (such as dataspec.INVALID).


Predicate functions are functions of one argument which return bool indicating whether or not the argument is valid or not.


Validator functions are functions of one argument which yield successive dataspec.ErrorDetails instances indicating exactly why input values do not meet the Spec.

Spec Errors

class dataspec.ErrorDetails(message: str, pred: Union[Mapping[Hashable, SpecPredicate], Mapping[Union[str, OptionalKey[str]], SpecPredicate], Tuple[SpecPredicate, ...], List[SpecPredicate], FrozenSet[Any], Set[Any], Type[Any], Callable[[Any], bool], Callable[[Any], Iterable[ErrorDetails]], Spec], value: Any, via: List[str] = NOTHING, path: List[Any] = NOTHING)

ErrorDetails instances encode details about values which fail Spec validation.

The message of an ErrorDetails object gives a human-readable description of why the value failed to validate. The message is intended for logs and debugging purposes by application developers. The message is not intended for non-technical users and dataspec makes no guarantees that builtin error messages could be read and understood by such users.

ErrorDetails instances may be emitted for values failing “child” Specs from within mapping, collection, or tuple Specs or they may be emitted from simple predicate failures. The path attribute indicates directly which nested element triggered the Spec failure.

via indicates the list of all Specs that were evaluated up to and include the current failure for this particular branch of logic. Tags for sibling Specs to the current Spec will not be included in via. Because multiple Specs may be evaluated against the same value, it is likely that the number of Tags in via will not match the number elements in the path.

  • message – a string message intended for developers to indicate why the input value failed to validate
  • pred – the input Spec predicate that caused the failure
  • value – the value that failed to validate
  • via – a list of dataspec.Tag s for dataspec.Spec s that were evaluated up to and including the one that caused this failure
  • path – a list of indexes or keys that indicate the path to the current value from the primary value being validated; this is most useful for nested data structures such as Mapping types and collections
as_map() → Mapping[str, Union[str, List[str]]]

Return a map of the fields of this instance converted to strings or a list of strings, suitable for being converted into JSON.

The dataspec.ErrorDetails.pred attribute will be stringified in one of three ways. If pred is a dataspec.Spec instance, pred will be converted to the dataspec.Spec.tag of that instance. If pred is a callable (as by callable()) , it will be converted to the __name__ of the callable. Otherwise, pred will be passed directly to str().

message will remain a string. value will be passed to str() directly. via and path will be returned as a list of strings.

Returns:a mapping of string keys to strings or lists of strings
with_details(tag: str, loc: Any = <object object>) → dataspec.base.ErrorDetails

Add the given tag to the via list and add a key path if one is specified by the caller.

This method mutates the via and path list attributes directly rather than returning a new ErrorDetails instance.

class dataspec.Invalid

Objects of type Invalid should be emitted from dataspec.Conformer s if they are not able to conform a value or if it is not valid.

Builtin Conformers emit the constant value dataspec.INVALID if they cannot conform their input value. This allows for a fast identity check using Python’s is operator, though for type checking Invalid will required.

class dataspec.ValidationError(errors: Sequence[dataspec.base.ErrorDetails])

ValidationErrors are thrown by dataspec.Spec.validate_ex() and contain a sequence of all dataspec.ErrorDetails instances generated by the Spec for the input value.

Parameters:errors – a sequence of all dataspec.ErrorDetails instancess generated by the Spec for the input value

INVALID is a singleton instance of dataspec.Invalid emitted by builtin conformers which can be used for a quick is identity check.


dataspec.pred_to_validator(message: str, complement: bool = False, convert_value: Callable[[Any], Any] = <function _identity>, **fmtkwargs) → Callable[[Callable[[Any], bool]], Callable[[Any], Iterable[dataspec.base.ErrorDetails]]]

Decorator which converts a simple predicate function to a validator function.

If the wrapped predicate returns a truthy value, the wrapper function will emit a single dataspec.base.ErrorDetails object with the message format string interpolated with the failing value as value (possibly subject to conversion by the optional keyword argument convert_value) and any other key/value pairs from fmtkwargs.

If complement keyword argument is True, the return value of the decorated predicate will be converted as by Python’s not operator and the return value will be used to determine whether or not an error has occurred. This is a convenient way to negate a predicate function without having to modify the function itself.

  • message – a format string which will be the base error message in the resulting dataspec.base.ErrorDetails object
  • complement – if :py:obj:True, the boolean complement of the decorated function’s return value will indicate failure
  • convert_value – an optional function which can convert the value before interpolating it into the error message
  • fmtkwargs – optional key/value pairs which will be interpolated into the error message

a validator function which can be fed into a dataspec.base.ValidatorSpec

dataspec.register_str_format(tag: str, conformer: Optional[Callable[[T], Union[V, dataspec.base.Invalid]]] = None) → Callable[[Callable[[Any], Iterable[dataspec.base.ErrorDetails]]], Callable[[Any], Iterable[dataspec.base.ErrorDetails]]]

Register a new String format, which will be checked by the validator function validate. A conformer can be supplied for the string format which will be applied if desired, but may otherwise be ignored.

dataspec.tag_maybe(maybe_tag: Union[str, T], *args) → Tuple[Optional[str], Tuple[T, ...]]

Return the Spec tag and the remaining arguments if a tag is given, else return the arguments.